Historical Facts On Ancient Egypt


The Ancient Egyptians were responsible for forging one of the earliest peace treaties in history.

This was between the Egyptians and the Hittites, a powerful empire located in present-day Turkey. The treaty was signed around 1258 BC and brought an end to years of war between the two kingdoms.
Under the rule of Pharaoh Ramesses II, Egypt experienced a period of prosperity and expansion. He is known for his military campaigns and for building various monumental structures such as the temples of Abu Simbel and Luxor.

Ancient Egyptians loved board games

Board games were a popular form of entertainment in ancient Egypt and one of the most famous was called “Senet”. It is believed to be the oldest board game in the world and was often played by Pharaohs and their families.
The Egyptians also had a strong belief in the afterlife. They built elaborate tombs, such as the famous pyramids, where they would be buried with all their worldly possessions. It was believed that the deceased would continue to live in the afterlife and needed these items for their journey. If you are looking to go to Egypt to visit the historical site you also may want to go on a river Nile cruise in that case I recommend seeing Nile cruise excursions.

The Ancient Egyptians were skilled engineers.

The construction of the pyramids is a testament to the engineering skills of the ancient Egyptians. These massive structures were built without modern machinery and are still standing today. They also developed techniques for irrigation and farming, allowing them to cultivate crops in the desert.
The ancient Egyptians were also advanced in areas such as mathematics and astronomy. They had a complex system of hieroglyphic writing and were able to accurately predict astronomical events such as eclipses.

Ancient Egypt was conquered by many civilizations.

Over its long history, Egypt was conquered by various foreign powers such as the Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Each conqueror brought their own influence to the culture, resulting in a diverse mix of traditions and beliefs.
However, despite being conquered, the ancient Egyptian culture and way of life persisted. Many aspects of their civilization continue to fascinate people today and have left a lasting impact on modern society.

The discovery of the Rosetta Stone allowed us to decipher hieroglyphics.

The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, is a famous ancient Egyptian artifact that contained inscriptions in three different scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek. This discovery was crucial in helping archaeologists decode the complex hieroglyphic writing system of the ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian workers were known to organize labor strikes

Egyptian workers, including those who worked on the construction of the pyramids, were known to organize strikes in order to demand better working conditions and higher wages. This shows that even in ancient times, people were not afraid to stand up for their rights and fight for fair treatment.
pharaohs were often overweight.

The ancient Egyptians had a rich diet that consisted of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits. This led to many pharaohs being overweight and unhealthy. In fact, the mummified remains of Pharaoh Ramesses II show signs of obesity and heart disease.


Ancient Egypt was a fascinating civilization that left behind many mysteries and wonders. From their advanced engineering skills to their belief in the afterlife, the ancient Egyptians continue to intrigue and inspire people around the world. Despite being conquered by various civilizations, their culture has withstood the test of time and continues to influence our modern world. So, it is safe to say that the legacy of ancient Egypt will continue to live on for centuries to come. So, it is safe to say that the legacy of ancient Egypt will continue to live on for centuries to come. Let us remember and appreciate the contributions and achievements of this incredible civilization.

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